School is finally back! With the challenges of last year’s virtual learning (for the most part), many kids are looking forward to new opportunities and experiences this new school year brings.
As parents, we also share that excitement, but there’s one thing we always dread – sickness!
Each school year has the potential to bring a host of ENT issues. While there’s no foolproof way to totally avoid them, there are certainly ways to minimize our kids’ risks of having them.
Helpful tips for parents:
1. Serve healthy, well-balanced meals
Multivitamin supplements may help fill in the gaps in our kid’s nutrition needs, nothing still beats the natural sources of vitamins and minerals – healthy, well-balanced meals.
Healthy meals don’t have to be complicated. When prepping your child’s meals, including his/her lunch and snacks, ensure that there’s a good source of good carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats.
A well-nourished body minimizes our risk of getting infections and if we do end up with one, having a healthy diet can help us bounce back quickly.
2. Stay hydrated
About 75 percent of the child’s body is made up of water. Staying hydrated can help flush out the toxins from the body and provides a moist environment for the ears, nose, and throat.
When it comes to hydration, skip the sugary drinks and stick with water. If your child doesn’t like the taste of water, you can always add fresh slices of citrus fruits to add some flavor.
3. Ensure adequate sleep
If you want your child’s body to be in tiptop shape to fight potential infections, ensuring he/she has good sleep should be a priority.
Getting sufficient sleep is important for a lot of health reasons. For one, sleep provides a time for the body to rejuvenate and recover. And second, it helps them with their memory and attention. Kids who get sufficient sleep perform better in school than those who don’t.
4. Practice good hygiene habits
Teach your child how to properly wash his/her hands with soap and water. It may seem too simple, but handwashing is one of the most effective ways to avoid getting sick.
It’s also important to remind your child to cover his/her mouth when sneezing or coughing to avoid the spread of germs to others.
When to See an ENT Specialist
If your child constantly experiences issues on his/her ears, nose, or throat, it’s important to see a specialist. An annual ENT examination may be recommended to ensure your child’s ears, nose, and throat health.
Greater Knoxville ENT has a great team of specialists who provide high-quality, comprehensive ENT care. For appointment requests, you may call us at (865) 244-4396.