At Greater Knoxville ENT, our team is committed to providing you the best audiologic care. From diagnostic hearing evaluations to hearing aids, our goal is to optimize your quality of life through improved hearing.

Online Hearing Screening
Think you might have hearing loss? Grab a set of headphones, and take our online hearing screening.
Each GKENT audiologist is committed to providing patients with the best possible hearing and balance care according to their individual needs.
The signs of hearing loss may differ, depending on whether a person is an adult or a child. Symptoms can range from missing parts of conversations in adults to delayed or poor speech in a child.
A thorough evaluation of the sensitivity of a patient’s hearing will determine the type and degree of hearing loss allowing the formulation of the best treatment plan.
Tinnitus is a sound perceived by a person that is not actually present in the environment. It is commonly described as ringing, buzzing, roaring, or cicadas. Tinnitus can be caused by many sources. It can be constant or intermittent, and it can vary in its level or disturbance across those who suffer with it.
Hearing aids are designed to amplify sound in precise ways based on the environment and the user’s hearing levels. There are many styles of hearing aids which range in size, power, and capabilities.
ALDs help those with hearing loss overcome background noise and poor acoustics by amplifying what one wishes to hear. Some devices even have noise reduction capabilities to reduce other interruptions. They can be used for various environments from personal one-on-one conversations to busy conference-type situations.
An earplug is a device inserted into the ear canal to protect the ear from loud noises, excessive wind or the intrusion of foreign bodies including water. Custom earplugs reduce discomfort and improve protection and performance compared to generic earplugs.
Earmolds can assist in reducing feedback and maximizing audibility in hearing aids. They are custom made to protect the ear and improve comfort and performance.
Your physician may refer you for dizziness assessments including Videonystagmography (VNG), Electrocochleography (ECOG), Auditory Brainstem Reponse (ABR), and Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic Potential (cVEMP) if vestibular (inner ear balance) issues are suspected.
Meet Our Audiology Team

Jill Barron, Au.D.

Scott Capece, Au.D.

Danielle King, Au.D., CCC-A, F-AAA

Holly North, M.A., CCC-A, F-AAA

Cheryl Ruhlen, M.A.