Expert ENT Care For
Nose & Sinus Disorders
Nose and sinus problems can truly stand in the way of your comfort and daily life. If you’re suffering from seasonal allergies, sinusitis, a deviated septum or other troublesome condition, you deserve expert care. From a quick in-office procedure to treat nasal blockage, to the surgical treatment of sinusitis, the physicians at GKENT provide treatment for any and all nose and sinus disorders.
Common Nose & Sinus Disorders

How to Treat
When blockage occurs between your sinuses and narrow passages, sinus disorders such as sinusitis, sinus headaches, or sinus pressure may present themselves.

Don’t let your nose and sinus problems get in the way of your comfort and daily life. The board-certified physicians at GKENT can help you breathe easy.
The physicians at Greater Knoxville ENT utilize comprehensive strategies that combine both medical and surgical treatment options for nose & sinus disorders to help you breathe easy.
Adenoids are one the first lines of defense in keeping harmful bacteria and viruses out of the body. The most common problems occurring with the adenoids are recurrent or chronic infections and enlargement of either tissue. Learn more about adenoid infections.
Balloon Sinuplasty is a procedure in which GKENT physicians open up chronically inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries with balloon angioplasty.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery also removes blockages in the sinuses; however, utilizes an endoscope to magnify the sinus tissues and specialized instruments are then used to remove causes of sinus blockage.
Nasal Obstruction (blockage) has many causes including some environmental such as cold or sensitivity to various irritants and some surgical such as a deviated septum. The most common symptom of Nasal Obstruction is difficulty breathing.
The nose is rich in blood vessels therefore bleeding may easily occur as a result of an injury or minor complication such as drying of the nasal membranes. A GKENT physician should be consulted when a nosebleed is unable to be stopped at home, there is a considerable amount of blood lost, or you feel weak or faint.
Septoplasty is a procedure to repair a deviated septum.
Hear from our experts
Watch the videos below to learn more about common nose and sinus disorders from the board-certified physicians of GKENT.