Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder characterized by abnormal breathing during sleep.
People with sleep apnea experience multiple extended pauses in breathing while they sleep. These temporary breathing lapses usually result in poor quality of sleep. They can also affect the body’s oxygen supply which can have potentially serious health consequences.
How to treat Sleep Apnea
For milder cases of sleep apnea, doctors usually recommend lifestyle changes such as losing weight or quitting smoking. If these changes don’t improve your symptoms, the doctor may recommend other treatments to open up the blocked airway.
The use of CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine is one of the most recommended treatments for moderate to severe sleep apnea.
It provides air at a pressure just high enough to prevent the collapse of the airway. Although it’s reliable, many find the use of CPAP machine cumbersome.
Treating Sleep Apnea with Inspire
If you, too, find the use of CPAP machine to be uncomfortable, there’s a good alternative – the Inspire Sleep Apnea System.
Inspire is the only FDA-approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment that works inside your body to treat the root cause of sleep apnea.
How does Inspire work?
The Inspire device is implanted in the body with only two to three small incisions (it’s a same-day outpatient procedure). After the procedure, you’ll work with your doctor to fine tune the device.
When you’re ready to sleep, you simply click the remote to turn on the device.
While you sleep, Inspire monitors your breathing. Each time you breathe, a gentle pulse moves the tongue out the way, keeping you breathing properly.
With this device, you can finally get the quality of sleep you’ve always wanted and get back the life you’ve missed!
Find out more today
You deserve good quality sleep. If you’re interested in the Inspire Sleep System, and want to find out if it’s something that can benefit you, call us at (865) 244-4396 to request an appointment.