Expert ENT Care for
Cancer of the Head & Neck
GKENT is the premiere group in the region for treatment of disorders and cancers that occur in this vital area of the body. Our otolaryngologists offer expert care for all forms of head and neck cancer, including benign and malignant tumors, infections, and cancers affecting the larynx, thyroid, skin and mouth.

Cancer of the Head & Neck
Cancer of the head and neck are often curable if found early. Treatments might include surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

Head & Neck Cancer
Symptoms of Laryngeal Cancer, or cancer of the larynx (voice box), can include a sore throat or cough that does not go away, ear pain, a change in the voice, or a lump in the neck or throat.

Head & Neck Cancer
Skin Cancer of the Head & Neck occurs when malignant, or cancerous, cells are found in the outer layers of skin in these specific areas. Symptoms might include sores that do not heal, enlarging bumps or nodules, or changes to size, texture, or color in existing moles.