No More Nosebleeds!
The nose is primarily prone to bleeding because the blood vessels that help warm and humidify the air lie close to the surface of the nose. So, when the nose is injured, even if it’s just a minor one, the...
Recognize the Signs of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss develops gradually. By learning the early signs and symptoms, you can seek help earlier and keep the hearing loss from progressing. Here are some of the things you should watch out for:
Say Goodbye to Allergies
Spring is finally here! While it’s beautiful, it’s also the peak season for allergies. The main culprit? Pollen. The trees and even the weeds release these tiny grains into the air to fertilize other plants.
When to Get Your Tonsils Out
They're pink and oval-shaped. You may not pay attention to them most days of the week, but your tonsils are a vital part of your immune system. They are your first line of disease against viruses and bacteria that get...
Balloon Sinuplasty for Chronic Sinusitis
It can be challenging to live with chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) lasts for at least 12 weeks. Making breathing difficult due to nasal obstruction, affecting how things taste and smell. Sinusitis cause pain, tenderness, and swelling around...
Stop Snoring!
About 37 million Americans snore. While it's very common, snoring is a major deterrent to quality sleep. Knowing what causes it is one step towards getting better sleep at night. Here are the most common causes of snoring:
Kids ENT Month
Sickness is inevitable especially among kids. While some conditions can easily be managed at home, there are those that need to be referred to the specialist. Ears, nose, and throat infections are common among kids. If your child is showing...
What is Vertigo?
If you've been feeling like you're spinning or that the world around you is spinning, then you may be experiencing vertigo. What is vertigo? Vertigo is a symptom. It is a sensation that either you or the environment is spinning.