How Spring Allergies and Weather Changes Affect Your Ears
Spring is finally here! While many of us are looking forward to warmer weather and the blooming of fresh buds, these changes can have undesirable side effects on our ears.
How Can an ENT Help Your Child?
If your child has been experiencing ears, nose, and throat issues, you may be wondering if you should take your child to a general practitioner or to a specialist.
How to Protect Yourself from Indoor Allergies
People with allergies tend to stay indoors when pollen and mold is high. However, there are also indoor allergens that can cause problems.
Tips to Help Ease Summertime Allergies
With summertime comes plenty of opportunities to drench in the sunshine and enjoy outdoor activities. While it’s considered by many as one of the best times of the year, it can pose some health issues and discomfort for some.
How Balloon Sinuplasty Can Help You with Spring Allergies
Spring is beautiful, but it can also pose some health issues especially for those who are prone to seasonal allergies. Spring allergies Pollen is the biggest trigger of spring allergy. These tiny particles can be released by trees, weed, and...
Does My Child Need A Tonsillectomy?
Tonsillectomies are one of the most common procedures done on children. However, the decision to do one requires a lot of considerations.
How Winter Affects Sinusitis
Sinus problems are prevalent during the winter season due to a number of factors. One, the dry air from home heating breaks down the mucous membrane, the body’s natural barrier to viruses and bacteria. This makes it easier for microorganisms...
COVID-19 and Winter Allergies
The change in season also comes with another layer of worry especially if you’re prone to seasonal allergies. Are these symptoms related to winter allergy or COVID-19?